Career Taster Portal

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About our program

It’s never too early to start thinking about the world of work! Young people need opportunities to learn from employers about careers and the skills they might need. The Year 9 Career Taster Program (CTP) provides an exciting opportunity to challenge students' thinking, spark their ‘career curiosity’ and make connections between education and post-school opportunities.

The CTP enables Western Australia’s Year 9 students to explore the stages of early career discovery and study pathways, helping them to make informed decisions about their subject selections in Years 10, 11 and 12. The program supports students to become ‘career curious’ and extend their thinking through practical activities and meaningful experiences with the world of work.

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Schools and training providers

Don’t miss this opportunity for your students and school community to be involved in the Year 9 Career Taster Program (CTP). 
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Industry and employers

The CTP offers employers, businesses and training providers a fantastic opportunity to showcase their industry, and engage young people by highlighting the current and future job and career pathways it offers. 

We encourage industry to nominate an experience. We’ll get back to you to discuss your ideas.

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Grants Program

The Grants program aims to support schools and Year 9 students across the State to access and participate in engaging and hands-on career exploration activities.

Applications are open to all Western Australian schools and TAFE colleges. Innovative and student-centric activities designed to expand access and participation in the Career Taster Program are strongly encouraged.

Applications are currently closed.