Information, communication and digital technologies
The information and communications technology (ICT) industry involves providing technical support and training, building and maintaining computers and computer systems, programming, software development and cybersecurity. Digital media involves the design and production of multimedia and games for technologies such as phones and computers and virtual and augmented reality. Examples of occupations in this industry include graphic designer, digital illustrator, ICT support officer, ICT salesperson, web developer, accounts manager, system architect, cybersecurity analyst, data scientist, IT consultant, computer service technician, technical support officer, programmer and test engineers.
For some occupations in this industry, you can start a vocational qualification in Years 11 or 12. Other occupations will require tertiary study after you finish high school.
The links below will help you explore this industry and the career opportunities.
Library and languages
The library information services industry involves organising and taking care of information and cultural resources, such as in a library or museum. Languages involves helping with the development of oral and written languages, and Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Examples of occupations in this industry include museum curator, gallery officer, librarian, translator, interpreter, language teacher, library assistant and cultural support officer.
For some occupations in this industry, you can start a vocational qualification in Years 11 or 12. Other occupations will require tertiary study after you finish high school.
The links below will help you explore this industry and the career opportunities.